• What is this?
    • What’s the takeaway?
    • Where can I learn more?
  • Descriptives
  • Time Series (cumulative)
  • Time Series (Weekly Sum)
  • Hashtags Over Time (cumulative)
  • Hashtags Over Time (Weekly Sum)
  • Political Duets
  • Bios & Descriptions
  • Top TikTok Music
  • Cumulative Tiktoks per User

= University of Konstanz, Department of Politics and Public Administration, PhD Student

x University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam School of Communication Research, PhD Student

+ Penn State, Department of Political Science, Assistant Professor

All authors contributed equally to this project.

What is this?

We are conducting academic research on TikTok Politics. In light of the ongoing controversies involving the geopolitics of TikTok, we decided to share some preliminary results about how TikTok has actually been used to discuss US politics over the past two and half years.

The metadata analyzed here—219,787 tiktoks from 1,767 distinct accounts—is only a small fraction of our full dataset. It only includes tiktoks created by accounts that we are very confident are “political.”

What’s the takeaway?

Among these 1,767 dedicated political TikTok accounts, there has been a massive increase in production since the onset of the coronavirus pandemic. Although our time frame ranges from January 2018 to the end of June 2020, the majority of tiktoks in our analysis were created in just the final three months.

We divide our analysis into left-leaning and right-leaning accounts. The first step was to distinguish between “political” and “non-political” content with the help of supervised machine learning. After an iterative process of hand-coding accounts, evaluating the out-of-sample accuracy of our classifier, and coding more edge cases, our present classifier achieves 84% out-of-sample accuracy at the account-level1. Our goal here is to minimize “false positives” to avoid non political accounts biasing the results, so we set a high threshold for an account to be classified as “political”. To be included in this analysis, our classifier has to predict that at least 90% of an account’s tiktoks are political.

After this aggressive step, it is straightfoward to code the remaining accounts as left- or right-leaning. Many of the more occasionally political tiktok accounts have less consistent or more esoteric ideological perspectives, posing a challenge for future analysis.

Here, however, we identify 794 right-leaning and 973 left-leaning accounts. These two ideological clusters follow a similar trajectory in tiktok production until the beginning of widespread lockdowns in March 2020, at which point the left cluster begins to take off. The Black Lives Matter protests that began in May 2020 reinforced this trend; the final week of May saw roughly twice as many left-leaning tiktoks as right-leaning tiktoks. The two trends have since drawn closer together.

However, there is a much smaller disparity in the consumption of tiktoks by these accounts. The “Weekly Plays” tab shows the right-leaning cluster lagging the left-leaning cluster only slightly; the two groups saw almost exactly the same number of plays in the final week of May, and the right-leaning cluster has in fact proven more popular since.

We also provide descriptive analysis in the adoption of various political hashtags and the words used in the account bios (captured in late June) and words in the tiktok descriptions. These are useful for checking the face validity of our results, and track the major political trends in US politics during this time period. It is noteworthy that political hashtags with clear partisan leaning seem to occur in a crosspartisan and a purely partisan way. For the latter category, hashtags like #kag (Keep America Great) are mostly used by right-leaning accounts whereas hashtags like #progressive or #leftist are predominantly used by left-leaning accounts. However, there are also partisan hashtags that are used by both left- and right-leaning accounts such as #democrat(s) or #biden and to a lesser degree #maga (Make America Great Again) and #trump. Upon further inspection there seem to be two reasons for this: 1. Tiktokers hope to increase their visibility in the algorithm and fit in as many hashtags as they can under their videos, a phenomena which can be dubbed as hashtag stacking. 2. Political tiktokers intentionally try to target the hashtags that signal opposing viewpoints because they want to expose people from the other political side to their content, often in videos that ridicule them or ask rhetorical questions. This is an interesting phenomena more unique to TikTok, as you would not expect a left-leaning Twitter user to excessively use hashtags like #trumptrain or #trump2020, because it would be understood as expressing support for President Trump. On (political) TikTok, using various hashtags is just part of the game to gain evermore exposure through the algorithm.

There is also a “Mentions Network” that plots duets and tiktok mentions. Fine-grained inference is difficult with this graph, but the overall network structure indicates a higher level of cross-ideological contact than is generally observed on other social media platforms (cross-ideological contact is colored in purple). This reflects the way that the political tiktokers take advantage of the platform’s affordances (like the duet function) to argue with or “dunk on” their ideological opponents. The lower-left discourse cluster which emerges in the network graph are the so-called political hype houses, an association of political tiktokers who decide to produce content together and often engage in “debates” with rival hype houses from opposing political views. The upper-right cluster in the network graph comprises many users who are people of color, both from the left and right, often talking about issues around the recent wave of black lives matter protests.

Cross-ideological contact is often seen as normatively desirable (in opposition to the dreaded “echo chamber”), but we caution that these conversations are often far from deliberative. A toxicity scoring of the transcripts (obtained via Mozilla’s DeepSpeech) with the help of Google’s Perspective API reveals that right-leaning videos are somewhat more toxic on average when they mention left-leaning accounts. But tiktokers do not just use speech to communicate their support or disdain for other users and (opposing) ideas. This is illustrated in the “Top TikTok Music” plot. These “sounds” are a novel technological affordance. They represent “meme formats” encoded directly into the metadata of the platform. Each user can choose a “sound” from TikTok’s library and instantiate the associated meme through a combination of external images and their own bodily performance. These “embodied memes” are rich with social information but light on deliberative, reasoned discussions. Perusing the tiktoks using the sound from Tekashi 6ix9ine’s song (?) “Gooba” is informative.

Where can I learn more?

We are giving a presentation of our expanded results at the 2020 PACSS Conference hosted by Northeastern University on August 13; we encourage interested readers to attend. We have also shared a condensed version of our theoretical framework for understanding the affordances of TikTok.

Time Series (cumulative)

Created with Highcharts 8.1.2Date (aggregated by Week)Number of Total Political TiktoksChart context menuNumber of Total Political Tiktoks Over TimeleftrightJan '18May '18Sep '18Jan '19May '19Sep '19Jan '20May '20025k50k75k100k125k150k
Created with Highcharts 8.1.2Date (aggregated by Week)Total Diggs (cumulative)Chart context menuNumber of Diggs Over TimeleftrightJan '18May '18Sep '18Jan '19May '19Sep '19Jan '20May '200100M200M300M400M500M
Created with Highcharts 8.1.2Date (aggregated by Week)Total Plays (cumulative)Chart context menuNumber of Plays Over TimeleftrightJan '18May '18Sep '18Jan '19May '19Sep '19Jan '20May '200500M1 000M1 500M2 000M2 500M
Created with Highcharts 8.1.2Date (aggregated by Week)Total Comments (cumulative)Chart context menuNumber of Comments Over TimeleftrightJan '18May '18Sep '18Jan '19May '19Sep '19Jan '20May '2002.5M5M7.5M10M12.5M15M

Time Series (Weekly Sum)

Created with Highcharts 8.1.2Date (aggregated by Week)Number of Weekly Political TiktoksChart context menuNumber of Weekly Political Tiktoks Over TimeData collected via tiktokrleftrightJan '18May '18Sep '18Jan '19May '19Sep '19Jan '20May '2002k4k6k8k10k12k
Created with Highcharts 8.1.2Date (aggregated by Week)Total Weekly DiggsChart context menuNumber of Weekly Diggs Over TimeleftrightJan '18May '18Sep '18Jan '19May '19Sep '19Jan '20May '20010M20M30M40M50M
Created with Highcharts 8.1.2Date (aggregated by Week)Weekly PlaysChart context menuNumber of Weekly Plays Over TimeleftrightJan '18May '18Sep '18Jan '19May '19Sep '19Jan '20May '20025M50M75M100M125M150M175M200M
Created with Highcharts 8.1.2Date (aggregated by Week)Total Comments (cumulative)Chart context menuNumber of Comments Over TimeleftrightJan '18May '18Sep '18Jan '19May '19Sep '19Jan '20May '200250k500k750k1 000k1 250k1 500k

Hashtags Over Time (cumulative)

Created with Highcharts 8.1.2Date (aggregated by Week)Number of Tiktoks (cumulative)Chart context menuTiktoks Mentioning #biden or #biden2020 Over TimeleftrightJan '18May '18Sep '18Jan '19May '19Sep '19Jan '20May '2001k2k3k4k5k6k7k8k
Created with Highcharts 8.1.2Date (aggregated by Week)Number of Tiktoks (cumulative)Chart context menuTiktoks Mentioning #bernie or #bernie2020 Over TimeleftrightJan '18May '18Sep '18Jan '19May '19Sep '19Jan '20May '2002k4k6k8k10k12k
Created with Highcharts 8.1.2Date (aggregated by Week)Number of Tiktoks (cumulative)Chart context menuTiktoks Mentioning #blm or #blacklivesmatter Over TimeleftrightJan '18May '18Sep '18Jan '19May '19Sep '19Jan '20May '2002.5k5k7.5k10k12.5k15k17.5k20k
Created with Highcharts 8.1.2Date (aggregated by Week)Number of Tiktoks (cumulative)Chart context menuTiktoks Mentioning #justiceforgeorgefloyd Over TimeleftrightJan '18May '18Sep '18Jan '19May '19Sep '19Jan '20May '20020040060080010001200
Created with Highcharts 8.1.2Date (aggregated by Week)Number of Tiktoks (cumulative)Chart context menuTiktoks Mentioning #alm or #alllivesmatter Over TimeleftrightJan '18May '18Sep '18Jan '19May '19Sep '19Jan '20May '2005001000150020002500
Created with Highcharts 8.1.2Date (aggregated by Week)Number of Tiktoks (cumulative)Chart context menuTiktoks Mentioning #bluelivesmatter Over TimeleftrightJan '18May '18Sep '18Jan '19May '19Sep '19Jan '20May '2002004006008001000
Created with Highcharts 8.1.2Date (aggregated by Week)Number of Tiktoks (cumulative)Chart context menuTiktoks Mentioning #maga or #maga2020 Over TimeleftrightJan '18May '18Sep '18Jan '19May '19Sep '19Jan '20May '2002.5k5k7.5k10k12.5k15k
Created with Highcharts 8.1.2Date (aggregated by Week)Number of Tiktoks (cumulative)Chart context menuTiktoks Mentioning #kag or #kag2020 Over TimeleftrightJan '18May '18Sep '18Jan '19May '19Sep '19Jan '20May '2002k4k6k8k10k
Created with Highcharts 8.1.2Date (aggregated by Week)Number of Tiktoks (cumulative)Chart context menuTiktoks Mentioning #trump, #trump2020 or #trumptrain Over TimeleftrightJan '18May '18Sep '18Jan '19May '19Sep '19Jan '20May '2005k10k15k20k25k30k35k40k
Created with Highcharts 8.1.2Date (aggregated by Week)Number of Tiktoks (cumulative)Chart context menuTiktoks Mentioning #lgbt or #lgbtq Over TimeleftrightJan '18May '18Sep '18Jan '19May '19Sep '19Jan '20May '2002k4k6k8k10k
Created with Highcharts 8.1.2Date (aggregated by Week)Number of Tiktoks (cumulative)Chart context menuTiktoks Mentioning #transrights Over TimeleftrightJan '18May '18Sep '18Jan '19May '19Sep '19Jan '20May '200100200300400500600700800
Created with Highcharts 8.1.2Date (aggregated by Week)Number of Tiktoks (cumulative)Chart context menuTiktoks Mentioning #corona, #coronavirus, #covid or #covid19 Over TimeleftrightJan '18May '18Sep '18Jan '19May '19Sep '19Jan '20May '2001k2k3k4k5k
Created with Highcharts 8.1.2Date (aggregated by Week)Number of Tiktoks (cumulative)Chart context menuTiktoks Mentioning #pandemic Over TimeleftrightJan '18May '18Sep '18Jan '19May '19Sep '19Jan '20May '200100200300400500
Created with Highcharts 8.1.2Date (aggregated by Week)Number of Tiktoks (cumulative)Chart context menuTiktoks Mentioning #liberal or #liberalism Over TimeleftrightJan '18May '18Sep '18Jan '19May '19Sep '19Jan '20May '2002k4k6k8k10k
Created with Highcharts 8.1.2Date (aggregated by Week)Number of Tiktoks (cumulative)Chart context menuTiktoks Mentioning #progressive or #progressivism Over TimeleftrightJan '18May '18Sep '18Jan '19May '19Sep '19Jan '20May '2002505007501000125015001750
Created with Highcharts 8.1.2Date (aggregated by Week)Number of Tiktoks (cumulative)Chart context menuTiktoks Mentioning #conservative or #conservatism Over TimeleftrightJan '18May '18Sep '18Jan '19May '19Sep '19Jan '20May '2002.5k5k7.5k10k12.5k15k
Created with Highcharts 8.1.2Date (aggregated by Week)Number of Tiktoks (cumulative)Chart context menuTiktoks Mentioning #leftist or #leftism Over TimeleftrightJan '18May '18Sep '18Jan '19May '19Sep '19Jan '20May '2001k2k3k4k5k6k
Created with Highcharts 8.1.2Date (aggregated by Week)Number of Tiktoks (cumulative)Chart context menuTiktoks Mentioning #democrat or #democrats Over TimeleftrightJan '18May '18Sep '18Jan '19May '19Sep '19Jan '20May '2002k4k6k8k10k
Created with Highcharts 8.1.2Date (aggregated by Week)Number of Tiktoks (cumulative)Chart context menuTiktoks Mentioning #republican, #republicans or #gop Over TimeleftrightJan '18May '18Sep '18Jan '19May '19Sep '19Jan '20May '2002.5k5k7.5k10k12.5k15k17.5k
Created with Highcharts 8.1.2Date (aggregated by Week)Number of Tiktoks (cumulative)Chart context menuTiktoks Mentioning #capitalist or #capitalism Over TimeleftrightJan '18May '18Sep '18Jan '19May '19Sep '19Jan '20May '20020040060080010001200
Created with Highcharts 8.1.2Date (aggregated by Week)Number of Tiktoks (cumulative)Chart context menuTiktoks Mentioning #communist or #communism Over TimeleftrightJan '18May '18Sep '18Jan '19May '19Sep '19Jan '20May '2005001000150020002500
Created with Highcharts 8.1.2Date (aggregated by Week)Number of Tiktoks (cumulative)Chart context menuTiktoks Mentioning #socialist or #socialism Over TimeleftrightJan '18May '18Sep '18Jan '19May '19Sep '19Jan '20May '2001k2k3k4k5k
Created with Highcharts 8.1.2Date (aggregated by Week)Number of Tiktoks (cumulative)Chart context menuTiktoks Mentioning #impeachment or #impeachtrump Over TimeleftrightJan '18May '18Sep '18Jan '19May '19Sep '19Jan '20May '20025050075010001250

Hashtags Over Time (Weekly Sum)

Created with Highcharts 8.1.2Date (aggregated by week)Weekly Number of TiktoksChart context menuTiktoks Mentioning #biden or #biden2020 Over TimeleftrightJan '18May '18Sep '18Jan '19May '19Sep '19Jan '20May '2002004006008001000
Created with Highcharts 8.1.2Date (aggregated by week)Weekly Number of TiktoksChart context menuTiktoks Mentioning #bernie or #bernie2020 Over TimeleftrightJan '18May '18Sep '18Jan '19May '19Sep '19Jan '20May '200100200300400500600700800
Created with Highcharts 8.1.2Date (aggregated by week)Weekly Number of TiktoksChart context menuTiktoks Mentioning #blm or #blacklivesmatter Over TimeleftrightJan '18May '18Sep '18Jan '19May '19Sep '19Jan '20May '2001k2k3k4k5k
Created with Highcharts 8.1.2Date (aggregated by week)Weekly Number of TiktoksChart context menuTiktoks Mentioning #justiceforgeorgefloyd Over TimeleftrightJan '18May '18Sep '18Jan '19May '19Sep '19Jan '20May '200100200300400500600
Created with Highcharts 8.1.2Date (aggregated by week)Weekly Number of TiktoksChart context menuTiktoks Mentioning #alm or #alllivesmatter Over TimeleftrightJan '18May '18Sep '18Jan '19May '19Sep '19Jan '20May '200100200300400500600
Created with Highcharts 8.1.2Date (aggregated by week)Weekly Number of TiktoksChart context menuTiktoks Mentioning #bluelivesmatter Over TimeleftrightJan '18May '18Sep '18Jan '19May '19Sep '19Jan '20May '20050100150200250
Created with Highcharts 8.1.2Date (aggregated by week)Weekly Number of TiktoksChart context menuTiktoks Mentioning #maga or #maga2020 Over TimeleftrightJan '18May '18Sep '18Jan '19May '19Sep '19Jan '20May '2002004006008001000
Created with Highcharts 8.1.2Date (aggregated by week)Weekly Number of TiktoksChart context menuTiktoks Mentioning #kag or #kag2020 Over TimeleftrightJan '18May '18Sep '18Jan '19May '19Sep '19Jan '20May '20050100150200250300350400
Created with Highcharts 8.1.2Date (aggregated by week)Weekly Number of TiktoksChart context menuTiktoks Mentioning #trump, #trump2020 or #trumptrain Over TimeleftrightJan '18May '18Sep '18Jan '19May '19Sep '19Jan '20May '20050010001500200025003000
Created with Highcharts 8.1.2Date (aggregated by week)Weekly Number of TiktoksChart context menuTiktoks Mentioning #lgbt or #lgbtq Over TimeleftrightJan '18May '18Sep '18Jan '19May '19Sep '19Jan '20May '2002004006008001000
Created with Highcharts 8.1.2Date (aggregated by week)Weekly Number of TiktoksChart context menuTiktoks Mentioning #transrights Over TimeleftrightJan '18May '18Sep '18Jan '19May '19Sep '19Jan '20May '2001020304050607080
Created with Highcharts 8.1.2Date (aggregated by week)Weekly Number of TiktoksChart context menuTiktoks Mentioning #corona, #coronavirus, #covid or #covid19 Over TimeleftrightJan '18May '18Sep '18Jan '19May '19Sep '19Jan '20May '200100200300400500
Created with Highcharts 8.1.2Date (aggregated by week)Weekly Number of TiktoksChart context menuTiktoks Mentioning #pandemic Over TimeleftrightJan '18May '18Sep '18Jan '19May '19Sep '19Jan '20May '20010203040506070
Created with Highcharts 8.1.2Date (aggregated by week)Weekly Number of TiktoksChart context menuTiktoks Mentioning #liberal or #liberalism Over TimeleftrightJan '18May '18Sep '18Jan '19May '19Sep '19Jan '20May '200100200300400500600700
Created with Highcharts 8.1.2Date (aggregated by week)Weekly Number of TiktoksChart context menuTiktoks Mentioning #progressive or #progressivism Over TimeleftrightJan '18May '18Sep '18Jan '19May '19Sep '19Jan '20May '200255075100125150175
Created with Highcharts 8.1.2Date (aggregated by week)Weekly Number of TiktoksChart context menuTiktoks Mentioning #conservative or #conservatism Over TimeleftrightJan '18May '18Sep '18Jan '19May '19Sep '19Jan '20May '20020040060080010001200
Created with Highcharts 8.1.2Date (aggregated by week)Weekly Number of TiktoksChart context menuTiktoks Mentioning #leftist or #leftism Over TimeleftrightJan '18May '18Sep '18Jan '19May '19Sep '19Jan '20May '200100200300400500600
Created with Highcharts 8.1.2Date (aggregated by week)Weekly Number of TiktoksChart context menuTiktoks Mentioning #democrat or #democrats Over TimeleftrightJan '18May '18Sep '18Jan '19May '19Sep '19Jan '20May '200100200300400500600700
Created with Highcharts 8.1.2Date (aggregated by week)Weekly Number of TiktoksChart context menuTiktoks Mentioning #republican, #republicans or #gop Over TimeleftrightJan '18May '18Sep '18Jan '19May '19Sep '19Jan '20May '20020040060080010001200
Created with Highcharts 8.1.2Date (aggregated by week)Weekly Number of TiktoksChart context menuTiktoks Mentioning #capitalist or #capitalism Over TimeleftrightJan '18May '18Sep '18Jan '19May '19Sep '19Jan '20May '2001020304050607080
Created with Highcharts 8.1.2Date (aggregated by week)Weekly Number of TiktoksChart context menuTiktoks Mentioning #communist or #communism Over TimeleftrightJan '18May '18Sep '18Jan '19May '19Sep '19Jan '20May '200255075100125150175200
Created with Highcharts 8.1.2Date (aggregated by week)Weekly Number of TiktoksChart context menuTiktoks Mentioning #socialist or #socialism Over TimeleftrightJan '18May '18Sep '18Jan '19May '19Sep '19Jan '20May '20050100150200250300350
Created with Highcharts 8.1.2Date (aggregated by week)Weekly Number of TiktoksChart context menuTiktoks Mentioning #impeachment or #impeachtrump Over TimeleftrightJan '18May '18Sep '18Jan '19May '19Sep '19Jan '20May '20020406080100120

Top TikTok Music

Cumulative Tiktoks per User

  1. At the beginning of the classification process, we kept aside 20% of the accounts, so that we can use them to evaluate the “out-of-sample” performance of the classifier. Labeling occured at the account level, which is why, even if we are classifying individual tiktoks, we performed a train-test split and report the performance metrics at the account level